E2E Retail


In an attempt to take E2E to students outside the govt supported project ecosystem, ESDECS offers E2E training for high school students from the open market who wish to undergo training. The offerings include Career Awareness building including psychometric assessment, Communicative English and Soft Skills and basic IT skills.


The training programme helps students to realize their innate strengths and identify the appropriate academic stream for themselves. Each student goes through a psychometric assessment to discover the subject areas of their interest and the career choices suited to them. As part of training, a one-on-one interaction is held with each of the students to understand in depth their socio-economic background, their academic achievements so far and areas of interest as indicated by the psychometric assessment.


Through the retail model ESDECS has reached out to over 1000 high school students, among them being those under Nabadisha supported by Kolkata Police and Vikramshila, Disha Foundation, Narayantala Mass Communication Society, Champatala High School among others.

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